Thursday, January 24, 2008

10 Things You Might Not Know About Michelle

1. A short-term (or long-term) goal I have... To help Tom buy an old truck this fall so he can find his passion again. For myself, to start exercising consistently.

2. If I won a million dollars in the lottery... Well, I would buy that old truck I just referenced, and Tom would have an awesome shop. I would share some $ with family members, and would put an addition on my house for Mom to live in. Would buy her a chauffer/personal assistant/maid. Would travel a lot with Tom and the boys. And most definately would have a masseuse come to my home a few times a week for the rest of my life.

3. A hidden talent I have (or talent I wish I had).... Like Dennis, I also hide my singing talent. I would love to record an album with my sisters if it meant that we would never have to perform in public for anyone. I sing all the time in my house, so If I could record an album in my bathroom that would be even better. A talent I wish I had is flower gardening... wish I had a green thumb like Mom and Mary.

4. If I could have any job in the world... In fantasy land, I would be a stay at home mom and while the boys are in school I would donate time to different charities and organizations. In real world, where there are bills to pay, I would work for myself (out of my home) doing something that taps into my creative, motivated side.

5. A hobby I have... Boy, pretty sad that I have to stop and think about this one. I like surfing the internet in my spare time, but no hobby I'm really passionate about. Used to be volleyball but my back is so horrible I can't play anymore. One of my favorite things to do is play board games with Tom and the boys (and Grandma Caldie).

6. A crime I once commited....Okay, so everyone else confessed something from their childhood because they could blame it on being young. I will confess an adult crime because I am brave. I am ALWAYS the first one to run back into the store to tell them they forgot to charge me something. I really believe what goes around comes around. So I'm waiting and waiting and waiting for the stuff to come back around!! Like WHEN is someone going to just give me something extra for nothing because I am so darned nice? Never happens. So, when I was at Walmart last week being checked out by a nimrod, I figured it was finally MY time. I spent 10,000 years in her line because she messed up my order soooo bad. She literally put my cough medicine ON and then OFF the receipt 4 TIMES! So, you know what, when I noticed she accidentally took my tampons off the order, I didn't say a THING. I figured it was my payment for sitting there through the entire torture with a pleasant smile on my face saying "it's okay" in response to her apologies. And on top of that, they are TAMPONS... I should get some type of reward 1 little day in my life for having to wear them 1,543,644 OTHER days of my life.

7. Something I've always wondered about.... Why do dog's feet smell like Fritos? Or should I say what goes into Fritos that makes them smell like dog's feet?

8. I wish (or pray).... For Mom, for her to continue to have as much freedom as possible so she can be the wonderful goofball that she is. For my boys to find something in life they are passionate about (and I don't mean Legos or Star Wars).

9. A compliment for someone in the family... Mary - I admire your professional accomplishments and your marriage. I like how you each do your own things (Roger has all his toys, you have your clothes... haha). You seem so comfortable with each other and I sense a lot of mutual respect in your relationship. And you are so helpful with Mom.... thank you.

10. Miscellaneous (you choose the topic)... The best things in life aren't things. I always say, when you die, people will not stand at your funeral and say "she was such a good house cleaner.... his lawn was so perfect... he was so great at golf... his house was so big...she was so thin". What they will say (and cherish) is what a good parent you were, what a good sense of humor you had, what a good person you were. They will remember what you gave them EMOTIONALLY long before they recall the PHYSICAL possessions you gave them.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ten Things You Might Not Know About Me (from Barb)

1. A short-term (or long-term) goal I have...I'd like to write a book or make some money with a creative idea...when it comes!
2. If I won a million dollars in the lottery...I'd pursue #1 and take a bi-annual trip to Hawaii.
3. A hidden talent I have (or talent I wish I had)....I wish I could finish one task before starting another, instead of having 20 things going on at once!
4. If I could have any job in the would be helping Oprah choose her "favorite things." That would be part-time, of course. The rest of the time, I'd help her screen books for her Book Club.
5. A hobby I have...writing (Kyle would add "nagging," but with a smile).
6. A crime I once commited....shoplifting (and getting caught) twice in one summer, when I was about 13 years old. Like Dad said, it was all “that Terri Allen’s fault! JK” Lucky for me, the cop in the 2nd case said, “You know…if this happens again, it will go on your permanent record.” That was all I needed to hear to scare me straight; I never stole again. (I’m grateful for his lie.)
7. Something I've always wondered about....why a person would eat pickled pigs' feet.
8. I wish (or pray)....I wish that my commute to work was about 15 minutes shorter!
9. A compliment for someone in the family...Tracey, I think you’re a great cook with an equally great sense of humor, and I admire your laid-back attitude. 
10. Miscellaneous (you choose the topic) I sure am glad that the grandkids stop in and visit Mom. I know she loves it.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

10 Things You Might Not Know About Dennis

1. A short-term (or long-term) goal I have...Short term is to buy a business that Tracey and I enjoy and can run together. Long term is to retire comfortably but not too early as to not have any fun getting there. Bike trips and traveling to away Packer games are just too much fun.
2. If I won a million dollars in the lottery...
Buy a business and pay someone else to manage it. Buy another motorcycle and retire early. That only leaves about $200,000 after I buy a business and pay the taxes on a million. Maybe retirement is not an option!
3. A hidden talent I have (or talent I wish I had)....
When I asked Lauren what my best hidden talent was she immediately answered farting! I said that is not hidden! Actually Mom says it is singing. I think I am a good singer but I am too shy to share it in public. Don't we all think were good singers?
4. If I could have any job in the world...
Chauffeur for someone famous like the president or military chief of staff.
5. A hobby I have...
Golfing and riding my motorcycle. What else is there?
6. A crime I once committed....
At the park one day someone was starting a fight with me. I was maybe 10 years old. Anyway he was on the other side of the teeter totter standing there and his end was down. I reached up and yanked my side down and it caught him right under the chin. I think I busted his jaw. I will never know because I stayed away from the park for a long time. We did not know each other, so I never got caught.
7. Something I've always wondered about....
Why do we need insurance? Lets just go back to when there was no such thing and just relied on friends and family to help in times of need(unemployment) or misfortune(house fire or flood).
8. I wish ....
That I had the wisdom and understanding when I was younger that I do today of what it took for Mom and Dad to raise 9 awesome kids.
9. A compliment for someone in the family...
I just said it in number 8.
10. Miscellaneous (you choose the topic)
Does anyone really know what time it is in their life?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

10 Things You Might Not Know About Me...(from Geri)

1. A short-term (or long-term goal I have.
Go on missions trips (sometimes with David) to places like Trinidad, South America, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, also doing practical things like helping in the fields, orphanages etc...David would donate his electrical engineering skills. There is actually an "Engineers Without Borders", just like "Doctors Without Borders"! I can picture him volunteering in Israel. I have the Hebrew down pat (Yeh right) and David has the engineering language. :) These are little more than fantasies right now, but Lord willin,’ they will happen.

2. If I won a million dollars in the lottery: Well, I never get a ticket, but if I did... Ten percent would go to various charities etc., have our rentals painted inside and out, new siding on one, our house painted on the outside and remodeled inside. (Grandkids have dented the walls a bit, and white carpets are 14 years old) Buy mom a new mattress! Buy Mary something cool for all her help with mom, and ditto for all sibs... Visit friends in Australia. Go to Israel at least once a year. Visit Steph in London at least once a year, and WA for Wolfes, CA for Nicki. Visit Wisconsin at least once a year and friends in Trinidad, South Carolina, North Carolina. Buy Doug a few things, as well as my other kids, step kids and grandkids...and of course my loving husband... What fun!

3. A hidden talent I have: - Playing Wii sports with 2 and 4 year old grandkids! What a bowler I am. :)

4. If I could have any job in the world: I would be a tour guide on a bus, guiding tourists around Alaska, going on hikes with them, telling them of the best places to eat, shop etc... Actually, I do this already! Ha ha...

5. A hobby I have: Photography, duh. :) Do I ever stop? I need to...maybe...

6. A crime I once committed: Two tickets for not coming to a complete stop. I am famous for California stops, and this doesn't have anything to do with the time in San Francisco, when I almost got Mary and Bev and myself killed! I was driving on the middle lane on a one way street, about to make a left turn when a car whizzed by us on the left, going straight! Thanks Lord, for the angel... (This was only minutes after we had gotten off the plane. :)

7. Something I have always wondered about: Where are all the missing socks!!!!

8. I wish (or pray): I pray that a certain young woman that I know will surrender her life to the Lord and get her life on track, to do what she was meant to do in life....

9. A compliment for someone in the family: I rarely hear mom complaining or gossiping. :)

10. Misc... Remember to Respond, not React. :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

10 Things You Might Not Know About Me (from Grandma Caldie)

1. A short-term (or long-term) goal I have...Right now is lose weight! I just joined Weight Watchers, and I want to lose about 30 pounds.

2. If I won a million dollars in the lottery...I would get each of my kids and grandkids at least a thousand dollars (at least). The rest I’d leave up to Jimmie to decide; he’s good financier!

3. A hidden talent I have (or talent I wish I had)....I wish I could paint like my sisters Pat and Charlotte.

4. If I could have any job in the world…The only job I ever had was being a mother; I think that’s enough!!!

5. A hobby I have...needlework, playing dominoes!

6. A crime I once committed....I was always such a goody-good; I don’t think I ever did anything wrong! Well, my mother once said (it was spring time), “You may NOT wade barefoot in the creek! So, my sister Charlotte and I put our bare feet in our boots and waded in the creek!

7. Something I've always wondered about....I can never understand how they can keep those big 20-ton airplanes up in the air!

8. I wish (or pray)....for good health and happiness.

9. A compliment for someone in the family...I think the relationship Michelle has with her boys is just marvelous.

10. Miscellaneous….a few little stories for you:

When I was a little girl on the farm, we kids played on the frozen creek a lot. We had a special code. Number 1 stood for "A," number 4 stood for “E” for Elsie, etc. I remember writing #4 loves #10 (a little boy named Johnny!)

This one bully in grade school was always teasing me and making me cry. One day, I told my big brother about it, and he took him and held his arms behind his back, and I gave him a fist to the nose! He went home crying to his mother with a bloody nose!

In South Dakota, there was this very, very thick mud that would stick to your boots an inch thick. We called it “gumbo.” My dad was with the volunteer fire department, and he had a big, huge pair of boots. I remember being about 5 years old when I put his boots on (they went way up high on my legs!) and walked over into the neighbor’s garden and got stuck! The neighbor came and rescued me by putting planks across the gumbo and he took me home to my mother!

P.S. Don't miss Abby's "10 Things..." in the preceding post (further down)!

We Interrupt This Blog for an Important Announcement!

Just wanted to share that Harrison won his school spelling bee today! He is in 4th grade, and the bee was 4-6 grades, so he did really well and beat all of the older kids, too. We're so proud!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Abby's Meme Answers (Read previous post to find out what a meme is!)

1. A short-term (or long-term) goal I have to graduate college and get a good job with great benefits.

2. If I won a million dollars in the lottery I would pay off my dad for school stuff, keep enough money for the rest of school stuff, buy a better car with great gas milage, give some money to the parents and Rachael, and invest the rest. And of course make a budget.

3. A hidden talent I have (or talent I wish I had) I wish I could write better without practice.

4. If I could have any job in the world would be travel the world and eat their food and of course I wouldn't pay for this.

5. A hobby I have is scrapbooking. Havne't done it since I went abroad though. Need more time and space to store my things.

6. A crime I once commited took stickers from a craft store cus they 'accidently' stuck to my legs,lol.

7. Something I've always wondered about, things that I've wondered about I have learned and have no new things.

8. I wish (or pray). I wish that I was done with school and settled.

9. A compliment for someone in the family. How my dad/mom has tought me how to be responsible with money

10. Miscellaneous (you choose the topic)Favorite food: pasta

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Did you know??

This is a “meme,” and don’t ask me what that means, because I don’t understand the name, but I do know they are fun. You just copy and paste the categories into a word document and write something for each of the categories. Then post them here (Barb, Dennis, or Michelle can help) or send them in email or snail-mail, and we can post them for you.

In the spirit of fun, please consider participating; it's a great way to share some unknown facts about yourself and maybe even (in our case) get some details filled in! This invitation goes out to EVERY FAMILY MEMBER, including spouses and kids. (In fact, if you like, we can post your answers without your name and see if anyone guesses who you are!)

10 Things You Might Not Know About Me:

1. A short-term (or long-term) goal I have...
2. If I won a million dollars in the lottery...
3. A hidden talent I have (or talent I wish I had)....
4. If I could have any job in the world...
5. A hobby I have...
6. A crime I once commited....
7. Something I've always wondered about....
8. I wish (or pray)....
9. A compliment for someone in the family...
10. Miscellaneous (you choose the topic)

Have fun!