Sunday, January 13, 2008

Did you know??

This is a “meme,” and don’t ask me what that means, because I don’t understand the name, but I do know they are fun. You just copy and paste the categories into a word document and write something for each of the categories. Then post them here (Barb, Dennis, or Michelle can help) or send them in email or snail-mail, and we can post them for you.

In the spirit of fun, please consider participating; it's a great way to share some unknown facts about yourself and maybe even (in our case) get some details filled in! This invitation goes out to EVERY FAMILY MEMBER, including spouses and kids. (In fact, if you like, we can post your answers without your name and see if anyone guesses who you are!)

10 Things You Might Not Know About Me:

1. A short-term (or long-term) goal I have...
2. If I won a million dollars in the lottery...
3. A hidden talent I have (or talent I wish I had)....
4. If I could have any job in the world...
5. A hobby I have...
6. A crime I once commited....
7. Something I've always wondered about....
8. I wish (or pray)....
9. A compliment for someone in the family...
10. Miscellaneous (you choose the topic)

Have fun!

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