Tuesday, January 15, 2008

10 Things You Might Not Know About Me (from Grandma Caldie)

1. A short-term (or long-term) goal I have...Right now is lose weight! I just joined Weight Watchers, and I want to lose about 30 pounds.

2. If I won a million dollars in the lottery...I would get each of my kids and grandkids at least a thousand dollars (at least). The rest I’d leave up to Jimmie to decide; he’s good financier!

3. A hidden talent I have (or talent I wish I had)....I wish I could paint like my sisters Pat and Charlotte.

4. If I could have any job in the world…The only job I ever had was being a mother; I think that’s enough!!!

5. A hobby I have...needlework, playing dominoes!

6. A crime I once committed....I was always such a goody-good; I don’t think I ever did anything wrong! Well, my mother once said (it was spring time), “You may NOT wade barefoot in the creek! So, my sister Charlotte and I put our bare feet in our boots and waded in the creek!

7. Something I've always wondered about....I can never understand how they can keep those big 20-ton airplanes up in the air!

8. I wish (or pray)....for good health and happiness.

9. A compliment for someone in the family...I think the relationship Michelle has with her boys is just marvelous.

10. Miscellaneous….a few little stories for you:

When I was a little girl on the farm, we kids played on the frozen creek a lot. We had a special code. Number 1 stood for "A," number 4 stood for “E” for Elsie, etc. I remember writing #4 loves #10 (a little boy named Johnny!)

This one bully in grade school was always teasing me and making me cry. One day, I told my big brother about it, and he took him and held his arms behind his back, and I gave him a fist to the nose! He went home crying to his mother with a bloody nose!

In South Dakota, there was this very, very thick mud that would stick to your boots an inch thick. We called it “gumbo.” My dad was with the volunteer fire department, and he had a big, huge pair of boots. I remember being about 5 years old when I put his boots on (they went way up high on my legs!) and walked over into the neighbor’s garden and got stuck! The neighbor came and rescued me by putting planks across the gumbo and he took me home to my mother!

P.S. Don't miss Abby's "10 Things..." in the preceding post (further down)!

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