Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ten Things You Might Not Know About Me (from Barb)

1. A short-term (or long-term) goal I have...I'd like to write a book or make some money with a creative idea...when it comes!
2. If I won a million dollars in the lottery...I'd pursue #1 and take a bi-annual trip to Hawaii.
3. A hidden talent I have (or talent I wish I had)....I wish I could finish one task before starting another, instead of having 20 things going on at once!
4. If I could have any job in the would be helping Oprah choose her "favorite things." That would be part-time, of course. The rest of the time, I'd help her screen books for her Book Club.
5. A hobby I have...writing (Kyle would add "nagging," but with a smile).
6. A crime I once commited....shoplifting (and getting caught) twice in one summer, when I was about 13 years old. Like Dad said, it was all “that Terri Allen’s fault! JK” Lucky for me, the cop in the 2nd case said, “You know…if this happens again, it will go on your permanent record.” That was all I needed to hear to scare me straight; I never stole again. (I’m grateful for his lie.)
7. Something I've always wondered about....why a person would eat pickled pigs' feet.
8. I wish (or pray)....I wish that my commute to work was about 15 minutes shorter!
9. A compliment for someone in the family...Tracey, I think you’re a great cook with an equally great sense of humor, and I admire your laid-back attitude. 
10. Miscellaneous (you choose the topic) I sure am glad that the grandkids stop in and visit Mom. I know she loves it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with the pigs feet thing! And not just that people EAT them, but ENOUGH people that they can continue to stock the shelves!